I'd never done bike-packing before. In fact I had never really done any long distance cycling, having only used a bicycle to cycle to work and back. So when a cousin floated the idea of riding across an entire country I was a bit apprehensive. However, on research, it soon became clear that if I was going to attempt a trip like this South Korea's 4 Rivers Bike Trail would be the best beginner's choice.
Within here you'll find a bunch of tips and advice on how to cycle from Seoul to Busan from 2 amateur cyclists who had never attempted such a thing before, yet survived.
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The 4 Rivers Bike Trail is not one bike path but a combination of many bike paths and a few country roads that mostly, as the name suggests, follow alongside rivers. In some places there are parallel bike paths either side of the river, however these often converge at some point so it usually doesn't matter which one you take. The total distance between Seoul and Busan is 633km or 393 miles.
The bike paths themselves are mostly either asphalt or concrete, with a fer raised wood-slat boardwalks. They are largely smooth but there are some places where the concrete is washed out and pitted or just plain old and bumpy. This may only be a concern for road bike users who's bikes don't have suspension or soft tyres.
There are some parts of the trail that go onto normal roads shared with cars, but these are often country roads with minimal traffic.
The vast majority of the paths are flat and elevated on levies with the river on one side and farms on the other. If there is no head wind you can build up a good speed. Occasionally there are short but sharp detours going up hill where the end of a mountain range meets the river and the path must meander onto a road to summit these hills. In the middle of the route there is a mountain range consisting of 2 large peaks. This range is between the towns for Suanbo-myeon and Mungyeong-eup, a distance of 28km/17 miles. Factor in extra time on the day you approach them to tackle these mountains.
We hired our bicycles in Seoul from BikeNara, which operates out of a Giant dealership in the Seoul suburb of Mapo. Their service was exceptional and I highly recommend them.
BikeNara offers drop-bar and flat-bar road bikes, as well as hybrid/commuter bikes. All bikes are fitted with racks to hold panniers and all come equipped with lights, bike pump, lock, water bottle holders, and a small tool kit with a spare tube. Helmets are free, but panniers are an additional cost.
They also offer a bike pickup service in Busan at another bike shop not far from the finish line. BikeNara even kindly let us store our suitcases at their shop for us to pick up once we returned to Seoul.
As this was our first multi-day cycling trip we honestly didn't know how far we could travel each day. That, combined with unexpected weather (rain, cold) and large hills, made it hard to predict when and where we would stop for the night.
It soon became clear, however, that with our level of fitness and payload of gear we had a range of between 80 and 100km (50 and 62 miles) a day, and so we came up with a system: we would select 2 potential target towns which we could stay the night at - one at about the 60km mark and one around the 90km mark. We would ride until around lunch time and when we stopped to eat we would decide on where to stay. If the weather was bad or we were making less progress than we thought we'd book a hotel in the closer town, or if things were going well we'd book for the further town (just a note though: we cycled in the shoulder season - late March - so we can't vouch for avaiability all year round).
The bike paths are very well signed, though almost all signs are written in Korean Hangul so a translator app can be useful. Signs specifically for the 4 Rivers Bike Trail have a symbol depicting 4 figures in different colours arranged in a clover leaf pattern.
Despite the good signage, it is advisable to use an app for navigating. Korea seems to shun Google Maps in favour of the local Naver Maps, however for finding cycling paths and routes Kakao Maps is a better choice. We found it easiest to drop a pin on our destination, select the cycle option, and let Kakao figure out the route.
On Kakao Maps pink parts of the route indicated bike paths whilst blue indicated roads.
In terms of finding attractions, places to eat, or hotels, this was a sometimes bit of a pain. Naver had the most options, however it has no English translation option. Google Maps had some places listed but was often unable to navigate a route for us. Kakao was only really good for finding the best cycle route to a known destination, but the search function was hard for non-Korean speakers to use. We ended up using a combination of all 3 apps at once, for example: finding a restaurant on Google Maps, checking the opening hours on Naver, and plotting a route to it with Kakao.
There were many places to stay on route and there seemed to be several types of accommodation available:
Honestly, by far the best value places to stay were the 'love hotels'. They were always clean, modern, had good sized rooms with ensuites, and had large TVs usually with Netflix (just don't press the red buttons on the remote). The only difficulty we had with these places was there was sometimes limited service at reception. This is on purpose - most lobbies had a touch screen where you could rent a room on the spot without any human contact. As we booked ahead online finding someone to actually give us our room keys was sometimes an issue, but we always ended up finding a staff member and figuring it out. These were usually between 22,600 to 50,000 KRW a night ($25-$55AUD, $16-$35USD, €16-33Euro, £13-28GBP, $22-50CAD).
At each place we stayed we were able to arrange to store our bikes either in the garage area or a storage area near the lobby.
For booking rooms online we found Agoda had more listings and options in South Korea than Expedia or Booking.com.
Ultimately, there is little to be worried about. Korean people are friendly and accommodating, and it is a very safe country. We were never once concerned about our bikes or gear being stolen. As for the cycling itself, 90% of the time you're riding on dedicated bike ways with little interaction with other traffic. For additional peace of mind it's good to remember too that if things go completely wrong you're never too far from a town with a train station.
Cars and intersections
When there are no traffic lights, stop signs, or yield/give-way signs it appears everyone approaching the intersection slows right down and, as one person I asked later put it, "play a cautious game of chicken". Basically, you all kind of "merge" through the intersection, though busses and trucks seem to have a priority for right of way.
Our biggest concern was pedestrians walking onto the bikeway without checking for traffic. This only really occurred when the bike way passed large towns and cities, but happened enough to give us a couple of good scares. Definitely slow down in these areas. We really wished our rental bikes came equipped with bells.
We had 2 punctures on our trip, and though our rental bikes came with basic tools and a spare tube it was an asset that we had prior experience changing bike tubes.
Not so much a hazard but an annoyance. A few times we came across sections of the bikeway that were closed off or being worked on without any obviously marked detours. We had to use our combination of map apps to figure out ways around, sometimes doubling back the way we came.
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